Stellarium  0.17.0
Data Structures
ArchaeoLines Plug-in

Data Structures

class  ArchaeoLinesDialog
 Main window of the ArchaeoLines plug-in. More...
class  SkyLine
 GridLinesMgr.cpp at V0.13.2, but with small-circle drawing. More...

Detailed Description

A tool for archaeo-/ethnoastronomical alignment studies.

The ArchaeoLines plugin displays any combination of declination arcs most relevant to archaeo- or ethnoastronomical studies. Of course, principles used in this context are derived from natural observations, and many of these declinations are still important in everyday astronomy.

  1. Declinations of equinoxes (i.e. equator) and the solstices
  2. Declinations of the crossquarter days (days right between solstices and equinoxes)
  3. Declinations of the Major Lunar Standstills
  4. Declinations of the Minor Lunar Standstills
  5. Declination of the Zenith passage
  6. Declination of the Nadir passage
  7. Declination of the currently selected object
  8. Current declination of the sun
  9. Current declination of the moon
  10. Current declination of a naked-eye planet

Some religions, most notably Islam, adhere to a practice of observing a prayer direction towards a particular location. Azimuth lines (vertical semicircles from zenith to nadir) for two locations can be shown. Default locations are Mecca (Kaaba) and Jerusalem. The directions are computed based on spherical trigonometry on a spherical Earth. In addition, up to 2 custom azimuth lines, and up to 2 custom declination lines can be drawn, also with customized labels.

The lunar lines include horizon parallax effects. There are two lines each drawn, for maximum and minimum distance of the moon. Note that declination of the moon at the major standstill can exceed the indicated limits if it is high in the sky due to parallax effects.

It may be very instructive to let the time run quite fast and observe the line of "current moon" swinging between its north and south limits each month. These limits grow and shrink between the Major and Minor Standstills.

The sun likewise swings between the solstices. Over centuries, the solstice declinations very slightly move as well.

Data Structure Documentation

class ArchaeoLinesDialog

Public Slots

void retranslate ()
void setEquinoxColor (QColor color)
void setSolsticeColor (QColor color)
void setCrossquarterColor (QColor color)
void setMajorStandstillColor (QColor color)
void setMinorStandstillColor (QColor color)
void setZenithPassageColor (QColor color)
void setNadirPassageColor (QColor color)
void setCurrentSunColor (QColor color)
void setCurrentMoonColor (QColor color)
void setCurrentPlanetColor (QColor color)
void setSelectedObjectColor (QColor color)
void setGeographicLocation1Color (QColor color)
void setGeographicLocation2Color (QColor color)
void setCustomAzimuth1Color (QColor color)
void setCustomAzimuth2Color (QColor color)
void setCustomDeclination1Color (QColor color)
void setCustomDeclination2Color (QColor color)
void askEquinoxColor ()
void askSolsticeColor ()
void askCrossquarterColor ()
void askMajorStandstillColor ()
void askMinorStandstillColor ()
void askZenithPassageColor ()
void askNadirPassageColor ()
void askCurrentSunColor ()
void askCurrentMoonColor ()
void askCurrentPlanetColor ()
void askSelectedObjectColor ()
void askGeographicLocation1Color ()
void askGeographicLocation2Color ()
void askCustomAzimuth1Color ()
void askCustomAzimuth2Color ()
void askCustomDeclination1Color ()
void askCustomDeclination2Color ()
- Public Slots inherited from StelDialog
virtual void retranslate ()=0
 Retranslate the content of the dialog. More...
void setVisible (bool)
 On the first call with "true" populates the window contents.
void close ()
 Closes the window (the window widget is not deleted, just not visible).
void handleMovedTo (QPoint newPos)
 Adds dialog location to config.ini; should be connected in createDialogContent()
virtual void handleDialogSizeChanged (QSizeF size)
 Stores dialog sizes into config.ini; should be connected from the proxy. More...
QString getDialogName ()

Protected Member Functions

void createDialogContent ()
 Initialize the dialog widgets and connect the signals/slots.

Additional Inherited Members

- Signals inherited from StelDialog
void visibleChanged (bool)
- Public Member Functions inherited from StelDialog
 StelDialog (QString dialogName="Default", QObject *parent=Q_NULLPTR)
bool visible () const
 Returns true if the dialog contents have been constructed and are currently shown.
- Static Protected Member Functions inherited from StelDialog
static void connectCheckBox (QAbstractButton *checkBox, const QString &actionName)
 Helper function to connect a checkbox to the StelAction with the specified name.
static void connectCheckBox (QAbstractButton *checkBox, StelAction *action)
 Helper function to connect a checkbox to the given StelAction.
static void connectIntProperty (QSpinBox *spinBox, const QString &propName)
 Helper function to connect a QSpinBox to an integer StelProperty. More...
static void connectIntProperty (QComboBox *comboBox, const QString &propName)
 Helper function to connect a QComboBox to an integer StelProperty. More...
static void connectIntProperty (QSlider *slider, const QString &propName, int minValue, int maxValue)
 Helper function to connect a QSlider to an double or float StelProperty. More...
static void connectDoubleProperty (QDoubleSpinBox *spinBox, const QString &propName)
 Helper function to connect a QDoubleSpinBox to an double or float StelProperty. More...
static void connectDoubleProperty (QSlider *slider, const QString &propName, double minValue, double maxValue)
 Helper function to connect a QSlider to an double or float StelProperty. More...
static void connectBoolProperty (QAbstractButton *checkBox, const QString &propName)
 Helper function to connect a checkbox to a bool StelProperty. More...
- Protected Attributes inherited from StelDialog
QWidget * dialog
 The main dialog.
class CustomProxyproxy
QString dialogName
 The name should be set in derived classes' constructors and can be used to store and retrieve the panel locations.
- Properties inherited from StelDialog
bool visible
class SkyLine
Georg Zotti