Stellarium  24.3
Public Slots | Public Member Functions
CustomObjectMgr Class Reference

Public Slots

CustomObjectP searchByEnglishName (QString customObjectEnglishName) const
 Get a pointer to a custom object. More...
void addCustomObject (const QString &designation, Vec3d coordinates, bool isVisible=false)
 Add custom object on the sky. More...
void addCustomObject (const QString &designation, const QString &ra, const QString &dec, bool isVisible=false)
 Add custom object on the sky. More...
void addCustomObjectRaDec (const QString &designation, const QString &ra, const QString &dec, bool isVisible=false)
 Add custom object on the sky. More...
void addCustomObjectAltAzi (const QString &designation, const QString &alt, const QString &azi, bool isVisible=false)
 Add custom object on the sky. More...
void removeCustomObjects ()
 Remove all custom objects.
void removeCustomObject (QString englishName)
 Remove just one custom object by English name.
void setMarkersColor (const Vec3f &c)
 Set the color used to draw custom object markers. More...
Vec3f getMarkersColor (void) const
 Get the current color used to draw custom object markers. More...
void setMarkersSize (const float size)
 Set the size of custom object markers. More...
float getMarkersSize (void) const
 Get the current size used to custom object markers. More...
void setSelectPriority (float priority)
 Set the select priority for custom objects. More...
float getSelectPriority (void) const
 Get the select priority for custom objects.

Public Member Functions

void init () override
 Initialize itself. More...
void deinit () override
 Called before the module will be deleted, and before the OpenGL context is suppressed. More...
void draw (StelCore *core) override
 Execute all the drawing functions for this module. More...
virtual void drawPointer (StelCore *core, StelPainter &painter)
double getCallOrder (StelModuleActionName actionName) const override
 Return the value defining the order of call for the given action For example if stars.callOrder[ActionDraw] == 10 and constellation.callOrder[ActionDraw] == 11, the stars module will be drawn before the constellations. More...
QList< StelObjectPsearchAround (const Vec3d &v, double limitFov, const StelCore *core) const override
 Used to get a list of objects which are near to some position. More...
StelObjectP searchByNameI18n (const QString &nameI18n) const override
StelObjectP searchByName (const QString &name) const override
StelObjectP searchByID (const QString &id) const override
 Return the StelObject with the given ID if exists or the empty StelObject if not found. More...
QStringList listAllObjects (bool inEnglish) const override
 List all StelObjects. More...
QString getName () const override
 Gets a user-displayable name of the object category.
QString getStelObjectType () const override
 Returns the name that will be returned by StelObject::getType() for the objects this module manages.
void handleMouseClicks (class QMouseEvent *e) override
 Handle mouse clicks. More...
void addPersistentObject (const QString &designation, Vec3d coordinates)
 Add persistent object on the sky. More...
void removePersistentObjects ()
 Remove all persistent objects.
- Public Member Functions inherited from StelObjectModule
virtual QStringList listMatchingObjects (const QString &objPrefix, int maxNbItem=5, bool useStartOfWords=false) const
 Find and return the list of at most maxNbItem objects auto-completing passed object name. More...
virtual QStringList listAllObjectsByType (const QString &objType, bool inEnglish) const
 List all StelObjects by type. More...
bool matchObjectName (const QString &objName, const QString &objPrefix, bool useStartOfWords) const
 Auxiliary method of listMatchingObjects() More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from StelModule
 StelModule ()
 Constructor. Every derived class MUST call setObjectName(className) in its constructor.
virtual QSettings * getSettings ()
 Return module-specific settings. More...
virtual void update (double deltaTime)
 Update the module with respect to the time. More...
virtual QString getModuleVersion () const
 Get the version of the module, default is stellarium main version.
virtual QString getAuthorName () const
 Get the name of the module author.
virtual QString getAuthorEmail () const
 Get the email address of the module author.
virtual void handleMouseWheel (class QWheelEvent *)
 Handle mouse wheel. More...
virtual bool handleMouseMoves (int x, int y, Qt::MouseButtons b)
 Handle mouse moves. More...
virtual void handleKeys (class QKeyEvent *e)
 Handle key events. More...
virtual bool handlePinch (qreal scale, bool started)
 Handle pinch gesture events. More...
virtual bool configureGui (bool show=true)
 Detect or show the configuration GUI elements for the module. More...

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Types inherited from StelModule
enum  StelModuleSelectAction { AddToSelection , ReplaceSelection , RemoveFromSelection }
 Enum used when selecting objects to define whether to add to, replace, or remove from the existing selection list. More...
enum  StelModuleActionName {
  ActionDraw , ActionUpdate , ActionHandleMouseClicks , ActionHandleMouseMoves ,
 Define the possible action for which an order is defined. More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from StelModule
class StelActionaddAction (const QString &id, const QString &groupId, const QString &text, QObject *target, const char *slot, const QString &shortcut="", const QString &altShortcut="")
 convenience methods to add an action (call to slot) to the StelActionMgr object. More...
class StelActionaddAction (const QString &id, const QString &groupId, const QString &text, const char *slot, const QString &shortcut="", const QString &altShortcut="")
 convenience methods to add an action (call to own slot) to the StelActionMgr object. More...
StelActionaddAction (const QString &id, const QString &groupId, const QString &text, QObject *contextObject, std::function< void()> lambda, const QString &shortcut="", const QString &altShortcut="")
 convenience methods to add an action (call to Lambda functor) to the StelActionMgr object. More...

Member Function Documentation

◆ addCustomObject [1/2]

void CustomObjectMgr::addCustomObject ( const QString &  designation,
const QString &  ra,
const QString &  dec,
bool  isVisible = false 

Add custom object on the sky.

designation- designation of custom object
ra- right ascension angle (J2000.0) of custom object
dec- declination angle (J2000.0) of custom object
isVisible- flag of visibility of custom object
// example of usage in scripts
CustomObjectMgr.addCustomObject("Marker", "2h10m15s", "60d01m15s", true);

◆ addCustomObject [2/2]

void CustomObjectMgr::addCustomObject ( const QString &  designation,
Vec3d  coordinates,
bool  isVisible = false 

Add custom object on the sky.

designation- designation of custom object
coordinates- coordinates of custom object
isVisible- flag of visibility of custom object

◆ addCustomObjectAltAzi

void CustomObjectMgr::addCustomObjectAltAzi ( const QString &  designation,
const QString &  alt,
const QString &  azi,
bool  isVisible = false 

Add custom object on the sky.

designation- designation of custom object
alt- altitude of custom object
azi- azimuth of custom object
isVisible- flag of visibility of custom object
// example of usage in scripts
CustomObjectMgr.addCustomObjectAltAzi("Marker", "2d10m15s", "60d01m15s", true);

◆ addCustomObjectRaDec

void CustomObjectMgr::addCustomObjectRaDec ( const QString &  designation,
const QString &  ra,
const QString &  dec,
bool  isVisible = false 

Add custom object on the sky.

designation- designation of custom object
ra- right ascension angle (on date) of custom object
dec- declination angle (on date) of custom object
isVisible- flag of visibility of custom object
// example of usage in scripts
CustomObjectMgr.addCustomObjectRaDec("Marker", "2h10m15s", "60d01m15s", true);

◆ addPersistentObject()

void CustomObjectMgr::addPersistentObject ( const QString &  designation,
Vec3d  coordinates 

Add persistent object on the sky.

designation- designation of custom object
coordinates- coordinates of custom object

◆ deinit()

void CustomObjectMgr::deinit ( )

Called before the module will be deleted, and before the OpenGL context is suppressed.

Deinitialize all OpenGL texture in this method.

Reimplemented from StelModule.

◆ draw()

void CustomObjectMgr::draw ( StelCore core)

Execute all the drawing functions for this module.

corethe core to use for the drawing

Reimplemented from StelModule.

◆ getCallOrder()

double CustomObjectMgr::getCallOrder ( StelModuleActionName  actionName) const

Return the value defining the order of call for the given action For example if stars.callOrder[ActionDraw] == 10 and constellation.callOrder[ActionDraw] == 11, the stars module will be drawn before the constellations.

actionNamethe name of the action for which we want the call order
the value defining the order. The closer to 0 the earlier the module's action will be called

Reimplemented from StelModule.

◆ getMarkersColor

Vec3f CustomObjectMgr::getMarkersColor ( void  ) const

Get the current color used to draw custom object markers.

current color

◆ getMarkersSize

float CustomObjectMgr::getMarkersSize ( void  ) const

Get the current size used to custom object markers.

current size

◆ handleMouseClicks()

void CustomObjectMgr::handleMouseClicks ( class QMouseEvent *  e)

Handle mouse clicks.

Please note that most of the interactions will be done through the GUI module.

set the event as accepted if it was intercepted

Reimplemented from StelModule.

◆ init()

void CustomObjectMgr::init ( )

Initialize itself.

If the initialization takes significant time, the progress should be displayed on the loading bar.

Implements StelModule.

◆ listAllObjects()

QStringList CustomObjectMgr::listAllObjects ( bool  inEnglish) const

List all StelObjects.

inEnglishlist names in English (true) or translated (false)
a list of matching object name by order of relevance, or an empty list if nothing matches

Implements StelObjectModule.

◆ searchAround()

QList<StelObjectP> CustomObjectMgr::searchAround ( const Vec3d v,
double  limitFov,
const StelCore core 
) const

Used to get a list of objects which are near to some position.

va vector representing the position in the sky around which to search for objects.
limitFovthe field of view around the position v in which to search for objects.
corethe StelCore to use for computations.
a list containing the objects located inside the limitFov circle around position v.

Implements StelObjectModule.

◆ searchByEnglishName

CustomObjectP CustomObjectMgr::searchByEnglishName ( QString  customObjectEnglishName) const

Get a pointer to a custom object.

customObjectEnglishNamethe English name of the desired object.
The matching custom object pointer if exists or Q_NULLPTR.

◆ searchByID()

StelObjectP CustomObjectMgr::searchByID ( const QString &  id) const

Return the StelObject with the given ID if exists or the empty StelObject if not found.

namethe english object name

Implements StelObjectModule.

◆ searchByName()

StelObjectP CustomObjectMgr::searchByName ( const QString &  name) const
the matching object if exists or Q_NULLPTR.
nameThe case in-sensitive english name

Implements StelObjectModule.

◆ searchByNameI18n()

StelObjectP CustomObjectMgr::searchByNameI18n ( const QString &  nameI18n) const
the matching object's pointer if exists or Q_NULLPTR.
nameI18nThe case in-sensitive localized name

Implements StelObjectModule.

◆ setMarkersColor

void CustomObjectMgr::setMarkersColor ( const Vec3f c)

Set the color used to draw custom object markers.

cThe color of the custom object markers (R,G,B)
// example of usage in scripts

◆ setMarkersSize

void CustomObjectMgr::setMarkersSize ( const float  size)

Set the size of custom object markers.

cThe size of the custom object markers
// example of usage in scripts

◆ setSelectPriority

void CustomObjectMgr::setSelectPriority ( float  priority)

Set the select priority for custom objects.
