![]() |
Main class for Stellarium core processing. More...
#include <StelCore.hpp>
Public Slots | |
void | moveObserverTo (const StelLocation &target, double duration=1., double durationIfPlanetChange=1., const QString &landscapeID=QString()) |
Smoothly move the observer to the given location. More... | |
void | setCurrentProjectionType (StelCore::ProjectionType type) |
Set the current ProjectionType to use. | |
StelCore::ProjectionType | getCurrentProjectionType () const |
QString | getCurrentProjectionTypeKey (void) const |
Get the current Mapping used by the Projection. | |
void | setCurrentProjectionTypeKey (QString type) |
Set the current ProjectionType to use from its key. | |
QString | getCurrentProjectionNameI18n () const |
QStringList | getAllProjectionTypeKeys () const |
Get the list of all the available projections. | |
void | setCurrentDeltaTAlgorithm (StelCore::DeltaTAlgorithm algorithm) |
Set the current algorithm and nDot used therein for time correction (DeltaT) | |
StelCore::DeltaTAlgorithm | getCurrentDeltaTAlgorithm () const |
Get the current algorithm for time correction (DeltaT) | |
QString | getCurrentDeltaTAlgorithmDescription (void) const |
Get description of the current algorithm for time correction. | |
QString | getCurrentDeltaTAlgorithmKey (void) const |
Get the current algorithm used by the DeltaT. | |
void | setCurrentDeltaTAlgorithmKey (QString type) |
Set the current algorithm to use from its key. | |
void | setMaskType (StelProjector::StelProjectorMaskType m) |
Set the mask type. | |
void | setFlagGravityLabels (bool gravity) |
Set the flag with decides whether to arrange labels so that they are aligned with the bottom of a 2d screen, or a 3d dome. | |
bool | getFlagGravityLabels () const |
return whether dome-aligned labels are in use | |
void | setDefaultAngleForGravityText (float a) |
Set the offset rotation angle in degree to apply to gravity text (only if gravityLabels is set to false). | |
void | setFlipHorz (bool flip) |
Set the horizontal flip status. More... | |
void | setFlipVert (bool flip) |
Set the vertical flip status. More... | |
bool | getFlipHorz (void) const |
Get the state of the horizontal flip. More... | |
bool | getFlipVert (void) const |
Get the state of the vertical flip. More... | |
double | getViewportHorizontalOffset (void) const |
Get current value for horizontal viewport offset [-50...50] An offset of 50 percent means projective image center is on the right screen border. | |
void | setViewportHorizontalOffset (double newOffsetPct) |
Set horizontal viewport offset. More... | |
double | getViewportVerticalOffset (void) const |
Get current value for vertical viewport offset [-50...50] An offset of 50 percent means projective image center is on the upper screen border. | |
void | setViewportVerticalOffset (double newOffsetPct) |
Set vertical viewport offset. More... | |
void | setViewportOffset (double newHorizontalOffsetPct, double newVerticalOffsetPct) |
void | setViewportStretch (float stretch) |
Can be used in specialized setups, intended e.g. More... | |
QString | getDefaultLocationID () const |
Get the location used by default at startup. | |
void | setDefaultLocationID (const QString &id) |
Set the location to use by default at startup. | |
void | returnToDefaultLocation () |
Return to the default location. | |
void | returnToHome () |
Return to the default location and set default landscape with atmosphere and fog effects. | |
double | getJDOfLastJDUpdate () const |
Returns the JD of the last time resetSync() was called. | |
void | setMilliSecondsOfLastJDUpdate (qint64 millis) |
Sets the system date which corresponds to the jdOfLastJDUpdate. More... | |
qint64 | getMilliSecondsOfLastJDUpdate () const |
Returns the system date of the last time resetSync() was called. | |
void | setJD (double newJD) |
Set the current date in Julian Day (UT) | |
void | setJDE (double newJDE) |
Set the current date in Julian Day (TT). More... | |
double | getJD () const |
Get the current date in Julian Day (UT). | |
double | getJDE () const |
Get the current date in Julian Day (TT). More... | |
double | getSolutionEquationOfTime (const double JDE) const |
Get solution of equation of time [minutes]. More... | |
double | getSolutionEquationOfTime () const |
Get solution of equation of time [minutes] for the current time. More... | |
bool | getUseDST () const |
void | setUseDST (const bool b) |
bool | getStartupTimeStop () const |
void | setStartupTimeStop (const bool b) |
DitheringMode | getDitheringMode () const |
void | setDitheringMode (DitheringMode mode) |
void | setDitheringMode (const QString &modeName) |
bool | getUseCustomTimeZone (void) const |
void | setUseCustomTimeZone (const bool b) |
void | setMJDay (double MJD) |
Set the current date in Modified Julian Day (UT). More... | |
double | getMJDay () const |
Get the current date in Modified Julian Day (UT) | |
double | computeDeltaT (const double JD) |
Compute DeltaT estimation for a given date [seconds]. More... | |
double | getDeltaT () const |
Get current DeltaT in seconds. | |
bool | getUseNutation () const |
void | setUseNutation (bool use) |
Set whether you want computation and simulation of nutation (a slight wobble of Earth's axis, just a few arcseconds). | |
bool | getUseAberration () const |
void | setUseAberration (bool use) |
Set whether you want computation and simulation of aberration (a slight wobble of stellar positions due to finite speed of light, about 20 arcseconds when observing from earth). | |
double | getAberrationFactor () const |
void | setAberrationFactor (double factor) |
Set aberration factor. Values are clamped to 0...5. (Values above 5 cause graphical problems.) | |
QByteArray | getAberrationShader () const |
void | setAberrationUniforms (QOpenGLShaderProgram &program) const |
bool | getUseTopocentricCoordinates () const |
void | setUseTopocentricCoordinates (bool use) |
Set whether you want topocentric or planetocentric data. | |
double | getPresetSkyTime () const |
Return the preset sky time in JD. | |
void | setPresetSkyTime (double d) |
Set the preset sky time from a JD. | |
void | setTimeRate (double ts) |
Set time speed in JDay/sec. | |
double | getTimeRate () const |
Get time speed in JDay/sec. | |
void | revertTimeDirection (void) |
void | increaseTimeSpeed () |
Increase the time speed. | |
void | decreaseTimeSpeed () |
Decrease the time speed. | |
void | increaseTimeSpeedLess () |
Increase the time speed, but not as much as with increaseTimeSpeed() | |
void | decreaseTimeSpeedLess () |
Decrease the time speed but not as much as with decreaseTimeSpeed() | |
void | setZeroTimeSpeed () |
Set time speed to 0, i.e. freeze the passage of simulation time. | |
void | setRealTimeSpeed () |
Set real time speed, i.e. 1 sec/sec. | |
void | toggleRealTimeSpeed () |
Set real time speed or pause simulation if we are already in realtime speed. | |
bool | getRealTimeSpeed () const |
Get whether it is real time speed, i.e. 1 sec/sec. | |
void | setTimeNow () |
Set stellarium time to current real world time. | |
void | setTodayTime (const QTime &target) |
Set the time to some value, leaving the day the same. | |
bool | getIsTimeNow () const |
Get whether the current stellarium time is the real world time. | |
QTime | getInitTodayTime (void) const |
get the initial "today time" from the config file | |
void | setInitTodayTime (const QTime &time) |
set the initial "today time" from the config file | |
void | setPresetSkyTime (QDateTime dateTime) |
Set the preset sky time from a QDateTime. | |
void | addMinute () |
Add one [Earth, solar] minute to the current simulation time. | |
void | addHour () |
Add one [Earth, solar] hour to the current simulation time. | |
void | addDay () |
Add one [Earth, solar] day to the current simulation time. | |
void | addWeek () |
Add one [Earth, solar] week to the current simulation time. | |
void | addSiderealDay () |
Add one sidereal day to the simulation time. More... | |
void | addSiderealWeek () |
Add seven sidereal days to the simulation time. More... | |
void | addSiderealYear () |
Add one sidereal year to the simulation time. More... | |
void | addSiderealYears (double n=100.) |
Add n sidereal years to the simulation time. More... | |
void | subtractMinute () |
Subtract one [Earth, solar] minute to the current simulation time. | |
void | subtractHour () |
Subtract one [Earth, solar] hour to the current simulation time. | |
void | subtractDay () |
Subtract one [Earth, solar] day to the current simulation time. | |
void | subtractWeek () |
Subtract one [Earth, solar] week to the current simulation time. | |
void | subtractSiderealDay () |
Subtract one sidereal day to the simulation time. More... | |
void | subtractSiderealWeek () |
Subtract seven sidereal days to the simulation time. More... | |
void | subtractSiderealYear () |
Subtract one sidereal year to the simulation time. More... | |
void | subtractSiderealYears (double n=100.) |
Subtract n sidereal years to the simulation time. More... | |
void | addSynodicMonth () |
Add one synodic month to the simulation time. | |
void | addSaros () |
Add one saros (223 synodic months) to the simulation time. | |
void | addDraconicYear () |
Add one draconic year to the simulation time. | |
void | addDraconicMonth () |
Add one draconic month to the simulation time. | |
void | addAnomalisticMonth () |
Add one anomalistic month to the simulation time. | |
void | addAnomalisticYear () |
Add one anomalistic year to the simulation time. | |
void | addAnomalisticYears (double n=100.) |
Add n anomalistic years to the simulation time. | |
void | addMeanTropicalMonth () |
Add one mean tropical month to the simulation time. | |
void | addMeanTropicalYear () |
Add one mean tropical year to the simulation time. | |
void | addMeanTropicalYears (double n=100.) |
Add n mean tropical years to the simulation time. | |
void | addTropicalYear () |
Add one tropical year to the simulation time. | |
void | addGreatYear () |
Add one great year Great Year [NASA SP-7, 1965] - the period of one complete cycle of the equinoxes around the ecliptic, about 25,800 years. More... | |
void | addCalendarMonth () |
Add one calendar month to the simulation time. | |
void | addCalendarYear () |
Add one calendar year to the simulation time. | |
void | addCalendarDecade () |
Add one calendar decade to the simulation time. | |
void | addCalendarCentury () |
Add one calendar century to the simulation time. | |
void | addJulianYear () |
Add one Julian year to the simulation time. | |
void | addJulianYears (double n=100.) |
Add n Julian years to the simulation time. | |
void | addGaussianYear () |
Add one Gaussian year to the simulation time. More... | |
void | subtractSynodicMonth () |
Subtract one synodic month from the simulation time. | |
void | subtractSaros () |
Subtract one saros (223 synodic months) from the simulation time. | |
void | subtractDraconicYear () |
Subtract one draconic year from the simulation time. | |
void | subtractDraconicMonth () |
Subtract one draconic month from the simulation time. | |
void | subtractAnomalisticMonth () |
Subtract one anomalistic month from the simulation time. | |
void | subtractAnomalisticYear () |
Subtract one anomalistic year from the simulation time. | |
void | subtractAnomalisticYears (double n=100.) |
Subtract n anomalistic years from the simulation time. | |
void | subtractMeanTropicalMonth () |
Subtract one mean tropical month from the simulation time. | |
void | subtractMeanTropicalYear () |
Subtract one mean tropical year from the simulation time. | |
void | subtractMeanTropicalYears (double n=100.) |
Subtract n mean tropical years from the simulation time. | |
void | subtractTropicalYear () |
Subtract one tropical year from the simulation time. | |
void | subtractGreatYear () |
Subtract one great year Great Year [NASA SP-7, 1965] - the period of one complete cycle of the equinoxes around the ecliptic, about 25,800 years. More... | |
void | subtractCalendarMonth () |
Subtract one calendar month from the simulation time. | |
void | subtractCalendarYear () |
Subtract one calendar year from the simulation time. | |
void | subtractCalendarDecade () |
Subtract one calendar decade from the simulation time. | |
void | subtractCalendarCentury () |
Subtract one calendar century from the simulation time. | |
void | subtractJulianYear () |
Subtract one Julian year from the simulation time. | |
void | subtractJulianYears (double n=100.) |
Subtract n Julian years from the simulation time. | |
void | subtractGaussianYear () |
Subtract one Gaussian year from the simulation time. | |
void | addSolarDays (double d) |
Add a number of Earth Solar days to the current simulation time. More... | |
void | addSiderealDays (double d) |
Add a number of sidereal days to the current simulation time, based on the observer body's rotational period. More... | |
void | moveObserverToSelected () |
Move the observer to the selected object. More... | |
void | setDeltaTCustomYear (double y) |
Set central year for custom equation for calculation of DeltaT. More... | |
void | setDeltaTCustomNDot (double v) |
Set n-dot for custom equation for calculation of DeltaT. More... | |
void | setDeltaTCustomEquationCoefficients (const Vec3d &c) |
Set coefficients for custom equation for calculation of DeltaT. More... | |
double | getDeltaTCustomYear () const |
Get central year for custom equation for calculation of DeltaT. | |
double | getDeltaTCustomNDot () const |
Get n-dot for custom equation for calculation of DeltaT. | |
double | getDeltaTnDot () const |
Get n-dot for current DeltaT algorithm. | |
Vec3d | getDeltaTCustomEquationCoefficients () const |
Get coefficients for custom equation for calculation of DeltaT. | |
void | initEphemeridesFunctions () |
initialize ephemerides calculation functions | |
bool | de430IsAvailable () |
true if DE430 ephemeris file has been found | |
bool | de431IsAvailable () |
true if DE431 ephemeris file has been found | |
bool | de430IsActive () |
true if DE430 ephemeris is in use | |
bool | de431IsActive () |
true if DE431 ephemeris is in use | |
void | setDe430Active (bool status) |
switch DE430 use to More... | |
void | setDe431Active (bool status) |
switch DE431 use to More... | |
bool | de440IsAvailable () |
true if DE440 ephemeris file has been found | |
bool | de441IsAvailable () |
true if DE441 ephemeris file has been found | |
bool | de440IsActive () |
true if DE440 ephemeris is in use | |
bool | de441IsActive () |
true if DE441 ephemeris is in use | |
void | setDe440Active (bool status) |
switch DE440 use to More... | |
void | setDe441Active (bool status) |
switch DE441 use to More... | |
void | setMinMaxEphemRange (QPair< int, int > mm) |
Set min and max range of dates for ephemeris. | |
QPair< int, int > | getMinMaxEphemRange (void) |
Get min and max range of dates for ephemeris. | |
QString | getIAUConstellation (const Vec3d &positionEqJnow) const |
Return 3-letter abbreviation of IAU constellation name for position in equatorial coordinates on the current epoch. More... | |
static float | luminanceToNELM (float luminance) |
Returns naked-eye limiting magnitude corresponding to the given sky luminance in cd/m². | |
static float | nelmToLuminance (float nelm) |
Returns sky luminance in cd/m² corresponding to the given naked-eye limiting magnitude. | |
static float | bortleScaleIndexToNELM (int index) |
Returns some representative naked-eye limiting magnitude for the given Bortle scale index. | |
static float | bortleScaleIndexToLuminance (const int index) |
Returns some representative value of zenith luminance in cd/m² for the given Bortle scale index. | |
static int | nelmToBortleScaleIndex (float nelm) |
Classifies the sky using the Bortle scale using zenith naked-eye limiting magnitude as input. | |
static int | luminanceToBortleScaleIndex (const float luminance) |
Classifies the sky using the Bortle scale using zenith luminance in cd/m² as input. | |
static float | luminanceToMPSAS (const float cdm2) |
Converts luminance in cd/m² to magnitude/arcsec². | |
static float | mpsasToLuminance (const float mag) |
Converts magnitude/arcsec² to luminance in cd/m². | |
Signals | |
void | locationChanged (const StelLocation &) |
This signal is emitted when the observer location has changed. | |
void | targetLocationChanged (const StelLocation &loc, const QString &id) |
This signal is emitted whenever the targeted location changes, i.e., at the onset of location transitions. More... | |
void | currentTimeZoneChanged (const QString &tz) |
This signal is emitted when the current timezone name is changed. | |
void | useCustomTimeZoneChanged (const bool b) |
This signal is emitted when custom timezone use is activated (true) or deactivated (false). | |
void | flagUseDSTChanged (const bool b) |
This signal is emitted when daylight saving time is enabled or disabled. | |
void | startupTimeStopChanged (const bool b) |
This signal is emitted when stop clock at startup is enabled or disabled. | |
void | timeRateChanged (double rate) |
This signal is emitted when the time rate has changed. | |
void | timeSyncOccurred (double jDay) |
This signal is emitted whenever the time is re-synced. More... | |
void | dateChanged () |
This signal is emitted when the date has changed. | |
void | dateChangedForTrails () |
This signal can be emitted when e.g. More... | |
void | dateChangedForMonth () |
This signal is emitted when the date has changed for a month. | |
void | dateChangedByYear (const int year) |
This signal is emitted when the date has changed by one year. | |
void | flipHorzChanged (bool b) |
This signal indicates a horizontal display flip. | |
void | flipVertChanged (bool b) |
This signal indicates a vertical display flip. | |
void | flagUseNutationChanged (bool b) |
This signal indicates a switch in use of nutation. | |
void | flagUseAberrationChanged (bool b) |
This signal indicates a switch in use of aberration. | |
void | aberrationFactorChanged (double val) |
This signal indicates a change in aberration exaggeration factor. | |
void | flagUseTopocentricCoordinatesChanged (bool b) |
This signal indicates a switch in use of topocentric coordinates. | |
void | currentProjectionTypeChanged (StelCore::ProjectionType newType) |
Emitted whenever the projection type changes. | |
void | currentProjectionTypeKeyChanged (const QString &newValue) |
Emitted whenever the projection type changes. | |
void | currentProjectionNameI18nChanged (const QString &newValue) |
Emitted whenever the projection type changes. | |
void | flagGravityLabelsChanged (bool gravity) |
Emitted when gravity label use is changed. | |
void | configurationDataSaved () |
Emitted when button "Save settings" is pushed. | |
void | updateSearchLists () |
void | ditheringModeChanged (DitheringMode mode) |
void | ephemAlgorithmChanged () |
Called just after algorithm/theory for ephemeris is changed in the GUI. | |
Public Member Functions | |
void | init () |
Init and load all main core components. | |
void | update (double deltaTime) |
Update all the objects with respect to the time. More... | |
void | windowHasBeenResized (qreal x, qreal y, qreal width, qreal height) |
Handle the resizing of the window. | |
void | preDraw () |
Update core state before drawing modules. | |
void | postDraw () |
Update core state after drawing modules. | |
StelProjectorP | getProjection2d () const |
Get a new instance of a simple 2d projection. More... | |
StelProjectorP | getProjection (FrameType frameType, RefractionMode refractionMode=RefractionAuto) const |
Get a new instance of projector using a modelview transformation corresponding to the given frame. More... | |
StelProjectorP | getProjection (StelProjector::ModelViewTranformP modelViewTransform, ProjectionType projType=static_cast< ProjectionType >(1000)) const |
Get a new instance of projector using the given modelview transformation. More... | |
StelToneReproducer * | getToneReproducer () |
Get the current tone reproducer used in the core. | |
const StelToneReproducer * | getToneReproducer () const |
Get the current tone reproducer used in the core. | |
StelSkyDrawer * | getSkyDrawer () |
Get the current StelSkyDrawer used in the core. | |
const StelSkyDrawer * | getSkyDrawer () const |
Get the current StelSkyDrawer used in the core. | |
const StelGeodesicGrid * | getGeodesicGrid (int maxLevel) const |
Get an instance of StelGeodesicGrid which is guaranteed to allow for at least maxLevel levels. | |
StelMovementMgr * | getMovementMgr () |
Get the instance of movement manager. | |
const StelMovementMgr * | getMovementMgr () const |
Get the const instance of movement manager. | |
void | setClippingPlanes (double znear, double zfar) |
Set the near and far clipping planes. | |
void | getClippingPlanes (double *zn, double *zf) const |
Get the near and far clipping planes. | |
QString | projectionTypeKeyToNameI18n (const QString &key) const |
Get the translated projection name from its TypeKey for the current locale. | |
QString | projectionNameI18nToTypeKey (const QString &nameI18n) const |
Get the projection TypeKey from its translated name for the current locale. | |
StelProjector::StelProjectorParams | getCurrentStelProjectorParams () const |
Get the current set of parameters. | |
void | setCurrentStelProjectorParams (const StelProjector::StelProjectorParams &newParams) |
Set the set of parameters to use when creating a new StelProjector. | |
void | lookAtJ2000 (const Vec3d &pos, const Vec3d &up) |
Set vision direction. | |
Vec3d | altAzToEquinoxEqu (const Vec3d &v, RefractionMode refMode=RefractionAuto) const |
Vec3d | equinoxEquToAltAz (const Vec3d &v, RefractionMode refMode=RefractionAuto) const |
Vec3d | altAzToJ2000 (const Vec3d &v, RefractionMode refMode=RefractionAuto) const |
Vec3d | j2000ToAltAz (const Vec3d &v, RefractionMode refMode=RefractionAuto) const |
void | j2000ToAltAzInPlaceNoRefraction (Vec3f *v) const |
void | j2000ToAltAzInPlaceNoRefraction (Vec3d *v) const |
Vec3d | galacticToJ2000 (const Vec3d &v) const |
Vec3d | supergalacticToJ2000 (const Vec3d &v) const |
Vec3d | equinoxEquToJ2000 (const Vec3d &v, RefractionMode refMode=RefractionAuto) const |
Transform position vector v from equatorial coordinates of date (which may also include atmospheric refraction) to those of J2000. More... | |
Vec3d | j2000ToJ1875 (const Vec3d &v) const |
Use fixed matrix to allow fast transformation of positions related to the IAU constellation borders. | |
Vec3d | j2000ToEquinoxEqu (const Vec3d &v, RefractionMode refMode=RefractionAuto) const |
Transform position vector v from equatorial coordinates J2000 to those of date (optionally corrected by refraction). More... | |
Vec3d | j2000ToGalactic (const Vec3d &v) const |
Vec3d | j2000ToSupergalactic (const Vec3d &v) const |
Vec3d | heliocentricEclipticToAltAz (const Vec3d &v, RefractionMode refMode=RefractionAuto) const |
Transform vector from heliocentric ecliptic coordinate to altazimuthal. | |
Vec3d | heliocentricEclipticToEquinoxEqu (const Vec3d &v) const |
Transform from heliocentric coordinate to equatorial at current equinox (for the planet where the observer stands) | |
StelProjector::ModelViewTranformP | getHeliocentricEclipticModelViewTransform (RefractionMode refMode=RefractionAuto) const |
Get the modelview matrix for heliocentric ecliptic (Vsop87) drawing. | |
StelProjector::ModelViewTranformP | getObservercentricEclipticJ2000ModelViewTransform (RefractionMode refMode=RefractionAuto) const |
Get the modelview matrix for observer-centric ecliptic (Vsop87) drawing. | |
StelProjector::ModelViewTranformP | getObservercentricEclipticOfDateModelViewTransform (RefractionMode refMode=RefractionAuto) const |
Get the modelview matrix for observer-centric ecliptic of Date drawing. | |
StelProjector::ModelViewTranformP | getEquinoxEquModelViewTransform (RefractionMode refMode=RefractionAuto) const |
Get the modelview matrix for observer-centric equatorial at equinox drawing. | |
StelProjector::ModelViewTranformP | getFixedEquatorialModelViewTransform (RefractionMode refMode) const |
Get the modelview matrix for observer-centric fixed equatorial drawing. | |
StelProjector::ModelViewTranformP | getAltAzModelViewTransform (RefractionMode refMode=RefractionAuto) const |
Get the modelview matrix for observer-centric altazimuthal drawing. | |
StelProjector::ModelViewTranformP | getJ2000ModelViewTransform (RefractionMode refMode=RefractionAuto) const |
Get the modelview matrix for observer-centric J2000 equatorial drawing. | |
StelProjector::ModelViewTranformP | getGalacticModelViewTransform (RefractionMode refMode=RefractionAuto) const |
Get the modelview matrix for observer-centric Galactic equatorial drawing. | |
StelProjector::ModelViewTranformP | getSupergalacticModelViewTransform (RefractionMode refMode=RefractionAuto) const |
Get the modelview matrix for observer-centric Supergalactic equatorial drawing. | |
Vec3d | getObserverHeliocentricEclipticPos () const |
Return the observer heliocentric ecliptic position (GZ: presumably J2000) | |
Vec3d | getObserverHeliocentricEclipticVelocity () const |
Return the observer heliocentric ecliptic velocity. This includes orbital and diurnal motion;. | |
const StelLocation & | getCurrentLocation () const |
Get the information on the current location. | |
double | getUTCOffset (const double JD) const |
Get the UTC offset on the current location (in hours) N.B. More... | |
QString | getCurrentTimeZone () const |
void | setCurrentTimeZone (const QString &tz) |
const QSharedPointer< class Planet > | getCurrentPlanet () const |
const StelObserver * | getCurrentObserver () const |
Unfortunately we also need this. More... | |
void | setObserver (StelObserver *obs) |
Replaces the current observer. StelCore assumes ownership of the observer. | |
SphericalCap | getVisibleSkyArea () const |
double | getLocalSiderealTime () const |
Get the sidereal time shifted by the observer longitude. More... | |
double | getLocalSiderealDayLength () const |
Get the duration of a sidereal day for the current observer in day. | |
double | getLocalSiderealYearLength () const |
Get the duration of a sidereal year for the current observer in days. | |
QString | getStartupTimeMode () const |
Return the startup mode, can be "actual" (i.e. More... | |
void | setStartupTimeMode (const QString &s) |
QString | getCurrentDeltaTAlgorithmValidRangeDescription (const double JD, QString *marker) const |
Get info about valid range for current algorithm for calculation of Delta-T. More... | |
bool | isBrightDaylight () const |
Checks for altitude of the Sun - is it night or day? More... | |
double | getCurrentEpoch () const |
Get value of the current Julian epoch (i.e. current year with decimal fraction, e.g. 2012.34567) | |
QString | getDefaultProjectionTypeKey (void) const |
Get the default Mapping used by the Projection. | |
Vec3d | getMouseJ2000Pos (void) const |
Static Public Attributes | |
static const Mat4d | matJ2000ToVsop87 |
Rotation matrix from equatorial J2000 to ecliptic (VSOP87A). | |
static const Mat4d | matVsop87ToJ2000 |
Rotation matrix from ecliptic (VSOP87A) to equatorial J2000. | |
static const Mat4d | matJ2000ToGalactic |
Rotation matrix from J2000 to Galactic reference frame, using FITS convention. | |
static const Mat4d | matGalacticToJ2000 |
Rotation matrix from Galactic to J2000 reference frame, using FITS convention. | |
static const Mat4d | matJ2000ToSupergalactic |
Rotation matrix from J2000 to Supergalactic reference frame. | |
static const Mat4d | matSupergalacticToJ2000 |
Rotation matrix from Supergalactic to J2000 reference frame. | |
static const double | JD_SECOND |
static const double | JD_MINUTE |
static const double | JD_HOUR |
static const double | JD_DAY |
static const double | ONE_OVER_JD_SECOND |
static const double | TZ_ERA_BEGINNING |
Properties | |
bool | flipHorz |
bool | flipVert |
bool | flagUseNutation |
bool | flagUseAberration |
double | aberrationFactor |
bool | flagUseTopocentricCoordinates |
ProjectionType | currentProjectionType |
QString | currentProjectionTypeKey |
This is just another way to access the projection type, by string instead of enum. | |
QString | currentProjectionNameI18n |
Read-only property returning the localized projection name. | |
bool | flagGravityLabels |
QString | currentTimeZone |
bool | flagUseCTZ |
bool | flagUseDST |
bool | startupTimeStop |
DitheringMode | ditheringMode = DitheringMode::Color888 |
Main class for Stellarium core processing.
This class provides services like management of sky projections, tone conversion, or reference frame conversion. It is used by the various StelModules to update and display themselves. There is currently only one StelCore instance in Stellarium, but in the future they may be more, allowing for example to display several independent views of the sky at the same time.
Available DeltaT algorithms.
Enumerator | |
WithoutCorrection | Without correction, DeltaT is Zero. Like Stellarium versions before 0.12. |
Schoch | Schoch (1931) algorithm for DeltaT. |
Clemence | Clemence (1948) algorithm for DeltaT. |
IAU | IAU (1952) algorithm for DeltaT (based on observations by Spencer Jones (1939)) |
AstronomicalEphemeris | Astronomical Ephemeris (1960) algorithm for DeltaT. |
TuckermanGoldstine | Tuckerman (1962, 1964) & Goldstine (1973) algorithm for DeltaT. |
MullerStephenson | Muller & Stephenson (1975) algorithm for DeltaT. |
Stephenson1978 | Stephenson (1978) algorithm for DeltaT. |
SchmadelZech1979 | Schmadel & Zech (1979) algorithm for DeltaT. |
MorrisonStephenson1982 | Morrison & Stephenson (1982) algorithm for DeltaT (used by RedShift) |
StephensonMorrison1984 | Stephenson & Morrison (1984) algorithm for DeltaT. |
StephensonHoulden | Stephenson & Houlden (1986) algorithm for DeltaT. |
Espenak | Espenak (1987, 1989) algorithm for DeltaT. |
Borkowski | Borkowski (1988) algorithm for DeltaT. |
SchmadelZech1988 | Schmadel & Zech (1988) algorithm for DeltaT. |
ChaprontTouze | Chapront-Touzé & Chapront (1991) algorithm for DeltaT. |
StephensonMorrison1995 | Stephenson & Morrison (1995) algorithm for DeltaT. |
Stephenson1997 | Stephenson (1997) algorithm for DeltaT. |
ChaprontMeeus | Chapront, Chapront-Touze & Francou (1997) & Meeus (1998) algorithm for DeltaT. |
JPLHorizons | JPL Horizons algorithm for DeltaT. |
MeeusSimons | Meeus & Simons (2000) algorithm for DeltaT. |
MontenbruckPfleger | Montenbruck & Pfleger (2000) algorithm for DeltaT. |
ReingoldDershowitz | Reingold & Dershowitz (2002, 2007) algorithm for DeltaT. |
MorrisonStephenson2004 | Morrison & Stephenson (2004, 2005) algorithm for DeltaT. |
Reijs | Reijs (2006) algorithm for DeltaT. |
EspenakMeeus | Espenak & Meeus (2006) algorithm for DeltaT. |
EspenakMeeusModified | Espenak & Meeus (2006) algorithm with modified formulae for DeltaT (Recommended, default) |
EspenakMeeusZeroMoonAccel | Espenak & Meeus (2006) algorithm for DeltaT (but without additional Lunar acceleration. FOR TESTING ONLY, NONPUBLIC) |
Banjevic | Banjevic (2006) algorithm for DeltaT. |
IslamSadiqQureshi | Islam, Sadiq & Qureshi (2008 + revisited 2013) algorithm for DeltaT (6 polynomials) |
KhalidSultanaZaidi | M. Khalid, Mariam Sultana and Faheem Zaidi polynomial approximation of time period 1620-2013 (2014) |
StephensonMorrisonHohenkerk2016 | Stephenson, Morrison, Hohenkerk (2016) RSPA paper provides spline fit to observations for -720..2019 and else parabolic fit. |
Henriksson2017 | Henriksson (2017) algorithm for DeltaT (The solution for Schoch formula for DeltaT (1931), but with ndot=-30.128"/cy^2) |
Custom | User defined coefficients for quadratic equation for DeltaT. |
enum StelCore::FrameType |
Supported reference frame types.
Enumerator | |
FrameUninitialized | Reference frame is not set (FMajerech: Added to avoid condition on uninitialized value in StelSkyLayerMgr::draw()) |
FrameAltAz | Altazimuthal reference frame centered on observer: +x=south, +y=east, +z=zenith. |
FrameHeliocentricEclipticJ2000 | Fixed-ecliptic reference frame centered on the Sun. This is J2000 ecliptical / almost VSOP87. |
FrameObservercentricEclipticJ2000 | Fixed-ecliptic reference frame centered on the Observer. Was ObservercentricEcliptic, but renamed because it is Ecliptic of J2000! |
FrameObservercentricEclipticOfDate | Moving ecliptic reference frame centered on the Observer. Ecliptic of date, i.e. includes the precession of the ecliptic. |
FrameEquinoxEqu | Equatorial reference frame at the current equinox centered on the observer. The north pole follows the precession of the planet on which the observer is located. On Earth, this may include nutation if so configured. Models ecliptical motion and precession (Vondrak 2011 model) and nutation. |
FrameJ2000 | Equatorial reference frame at the J2000 equinox centered on the observer. This is also the ICRS reference frame. |
FrameFixedEquatorial | Fixed equatorial frame (hour angle/declination). Note that hour angle is counted backwards here and must be treated specially for user I/O. |
FrameGalactic | Galactic reference frame centered on observer. |
FrameSupergalactic | Supergalactic reference frame centered on observer. |
Available projection types.
A value of 1000 indicates the default projection
slot |
Add one Gaussian year to the simulation time.
The Gaussian Year is 365.2568983 days, and is C.F.Gauss's value for the Sidereal Year. Note that 1 GaussY=2 π/k where k is the Gaussian gravitational constant. A massless body orbits one solar mass in 1AU distance in a Gaussian Year.
slot |
Add one great year Great Year [NASA SP-7, 1965] - the period of one complete cycle of the equinoxes around the ecliptic, about 25,800 years.
slot |
Add one sidereal day to the simulation time.
The length of time depends on the current planetary body on which the observer is located.
slot |
Add a number of sidereal days to the current simulation time, based on the observer body's rotational period.
d | the decimal number of sidereal days to add (use negative values to subtract) |
slot |
Add seven sidereal days to the simulation time.
The length of time depends on the current planetary body on which the observer is located.
slot |
Add one sidereal year to the simulation time.
The length of time depends on the current planetary body on which the observer is located. Sidereal year connected to orbital period of planets.
slot |
Add n sidereal years to the simulation time.
The length of time depends on the current planetary body on which the observer is located. Sidereal year connected to orbital period of planets.
slot |
Add a number of Earth Solar days to the current simulation time.
d | the decimal number of days to add (use negative values to subtract) |
slot |
Compute DeltaT estimation for a given date [seconds].
DeltaT is the accumulated effect of earth's rotation slowly getting slower, mostly caused by tidal braking by the Moon. For accurate positioning of objects in the sky, we must compute earth-based clock-dependent things like earth rotation, hour angles etc. using plain UT, but all orbital motions or rotation of the other planets must be computed in TT, which is a regular time frame. Also satellites are computed in the UT frame because (1) they are short-lived and (2) must follow paths over earth ground. (Note that we make no further difference between TT and DT, those might differ by milliseconds at best but are regarded equivalent for our purpose.)
JD | the date and time expressed as a Julian Day |
signal |
This signal can be emitted when e.g.
the date has changed in a way that planet trails or similar things should better be reset. TODO: Currently the signal is not used. Think of the proper way to apply it.
Vec3d StelCore::equinoxEquToJ2000 | ( | const Vec3d & | v, |
RefractionMode | refMode = RefractionAuto |
) | const |
Transform position vector v from equatorial coordinates of date (which may also include atmospheric refraction) to those of J2000.
Use refMode=StelCore::RefractionOff if you don't want any atmosphere correction. Use refMode=StelCore::RefractionOn to create observed (apparent) coordinates (which are subject to refraction). Use refMode=StelCore::RefractionAuto to correct coordinates for refraction only when atmosphere is active.
inlineslot |
QString StelCore::getCurrentDeltaTAlgorithmValidRangeDescription | ( | const double | JD, |
QString * | marker | ||
) | const |
Get info about valid range for current algorithm for calculation of Delta-T.
JD | the Julian Day number to test. |
marker | receives a string: "*" if jDay is outside valid range, or "?" if range unknown, else an empty string. |
const StelObserver* StelCore::getCurrentObserver | ( | ) | const |
Unfortunately we also need this.
Returns the current observer. Note that the observer object may be deleted at any time when control returns to StelCore.
slot |
Get the state of the horizontal flip.
slot |
Get the state of the vertical flip.
slot |
Return 3-letter abbreviation of IAU constellation name for position in equatorial coordinates on the current epoch.
Follows 1987PASP...99..695R: Nancy Roman: Identification of a Constellation from a Position Data file from ADC catalog VI/42 with its amendment from 1999-12-30.
positionEqJnow | position vector in rectangular equatorial coordinates of current epoch&equinox. |
slot |
Get the current date in Julian Day (TT).
The name is derived from the classical name "Ephemeris Time", of which TT is the successor. It is still frequently used in the literature.
double StelCore::getLocalSiderealTime | ( | ) | const |
Get the sidereal time shifted by the observer longitude.
StelProjectorP StelCore::getProjection | ( | FrameType | frameType, |
RefractionMode | refractionMode = RefractionAuto |
) | const |
Get a new instance of projector using a modelview transformation corresponding to the given frame.
If not specified the refraction effect is included if atmosphere is on.
StelProjectorP StelCore::getProjection | ( | StelProjector::ModelViewTranformP | modelViewTransform, |
ProjectionType | projType = static_cast< ProjectionType >(1000) |
) | const |
Get a new instance of projector using the given modelview transformation.
If not specified the projection used is the one currently used as default.
StelProjectorP StelCore::getProjection2d | ( | ) | const |
Get a new instance of a simple 2d projection.
This projection cannot be used to project or unproject but only for 2d painting
slot |
Get solution of equation of time [minutes] for the current time.
Source: J. Meeus "Astronomical Algorithms" (2nd ed., with corrections as of August 10, 2009) p.183-187.
slot |
Get solution of equation of time [minutes].
Source: J. Meeus "Astronomical Algorithms" (2nd ed., 1998) 28.3.
JDE | JD in Dynamical Time (previously called Ephemeris Time) |
QString StelCore::getStartupTimeMode | ( | ) | const |
Return the startup mode, can be "actual" (i.e.
take current time from system), "today" (take some time e.g. on the evening of today) or "preset" (completely preconfigured).
inlineslot |
inlineslot |
inlineslot |
double StelCore::getUTCOffset | ( | const double | JD | ) | const |
Get the UTC offset on the current location (in hours) N.B.
This is a rather costly operation. Re-use where possible!
bool StelCore::isBrightDaylight | ( | ) | const |
Checks for altitude of the Sun - is it night or day?
Vec3d StelCore::j2000ToEquinoxEqu | ( | const Vec3d & | v, |
RefractionMode | refMode = RefractionAuto |
) | const |
Transform position vector v from equatorial coordinates J2000 to those of date (optionally corrected by refraction).
Use refMode=StelCore::RefractionOff if you don't want any atmosphere correction. Use refMode=StelCore::RefractionOn to correct observed (apparent) coordinates (which are subject to refraction). Use refMode=StelCore::RefractionAuto to correct coordinates for refraction only when atmosphere is active.
slot |
Smoothly move the observer to the given location.
target | the target location |
duration | direction of view move duration in s |
durationIfPlanetChange | direction of view + planet travel move duration in s. This is used only if the destination planet is different from the starting one. |
slot |
Move the observer to the selected object.
This will only do something if the selected object is of the correct type - i.e. a planet.
slot |
switch DE430 use to
status | (if de430IsAvailable()). DE430 is only used if date is within range of DE430. |
slot |
switch DE431 use to
status | (if de431IsAvailable()). DE431 is only used if DE430 is not used and the date is within range of DE431. |
slot |
switch DE440 use to
status | (if de440IsAvailable()). DE440 is only used if date is within range of DE440. |
slot |
switch DE441 use to
status | (if de441IsAvailable()). DE441 is only used if DE440 is not used and the date is within range of DE441. |
inlineslot |
Set coefficients for custom equation for calculation of DeltaT.
c | the coefficients, e.g. -20,0,32 |
inlineslot |
Set n-dot for custom equation for calculation of DeltaT.
v | the n-dot value, e.g. -26.0 |
inlineslot |
Set central year for custom equation for calculation of DeltaT.
y | the year, e.g. 1820 |
slot |
Set the horizontal flip status.
flip | The new value (true = flipped, false = unflipped). |
slot |
Set the vertical flip status.
flip | The new value (true = flipped, false = unflipped). |
slot |
Set the current date in Julian Day (TT).
The name is derived from the classical name "Ephemeris Time", of which TT is the successor. It is still frequently used in the literature.
slot |
Sets the system date which corresponds to the jdOfLastJDUpdate.
Usually, you do NOT want to call this method. This method is used by the RemoteSync plugin.
slot |
Set the current date in Modified Julian Day (UT).
MJD is simply JD-2400000.5, getting rid of large numbers and starting days at midnight. It is mostly used in satellite contexts.
slot |
Set horizontal viewport offset.
Argument will be clamped to be inside [-50...50] An offset of 50 percent means projective image center is on the right screen border Animation is available via StelMovementMgr::moveViewport()
slot |
Can be used in specialized setups, intended e.g.
for multi-projector installations with edge blending.
stretch | [default 1] enlarge to stretch image to non-square pixels. A minimum value of 0.001 is enforced. |
slot |
Set vertical viewport offset.
Argument will be clamped to be inside [-50...50] An offset of 50 percent means projective image center is on the upper screen border Setting to a negative value will move the visible horizon down, this may be desired esp. in cylindrical projection. Animation is available via StelMovementMgr::moveViewport()
slot |
Subtract one great year Great Year [NASA SP-7, 1965] - the period of one complete cycle of the equinoxes around the ecliptic, about 25,800 years.
slot |
Subtract one sidereal day to the simulation time.
The length of time depends on the current planetary body on which the observer is located.
slot |
Subtract seven sidereal days to the simulation time.
The length of time depends on the current planetary body on which the observer is located.
slot |
Subtract one sidereal year to the simulation time.
The length of time depends on the current planetary body on which the observer is located. Sidereal year connected to orbital period of planets.
slot |
Subtract n sidereal years to the simulation time.
The length of time depends on the current planetary body on which the observer is located. Sidereal year connected to orbital period of planets.
signal |
This signal is emitted whenever the targeted location changes, i.e., at the onset of location transitions.
The second parameter can transmit a landscapeID or should be QString().
signal |
This signal is emitted whenever the time is re-synced.
This happens whenever the internal jDay is changed through setJDay/setMJDay and similar, and whenever the time rate changes.
void StelCore::update | ( | double | deltaTime | ) |
Update all the objects with respect to the time.
deltaTime | the time increment in sec. |