Stellarium  24.3
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StelMovementMgr Class Reference

A pseudo-orbit for "observers" linked to a planet's sphere. More...

#include <StelMovementMgr.hpp>

Public Types

enum  MountMode { MountAltAzimuthal , MountEquinoxEquatorial , MountGalactic , MountSupergalactic }
 Possible mount modes defining the reference frame in which head movements occur. More...
enum  ZoomingMode { ZoomOut =-1 , ZoomNone =0 , ZoomIn =1 }
 Named constants for zoom operations.
- Public Types inherited from StelModule
enum  StelModuleSelectAction { AddToSelection , ReplaceSelection , RemoveFromSelection }
 Enum used when selecting objects to define whether to add to, replace, or remove from the existing selection list. More...
enum  StelModuleActionName {
  ActionDraw , ActionUpdate , ActionHandleMouseClicks , ActionHandleMouseMoves ,
 Define the possible action for which an order is defined. More...

Public Slots

void resetInitViewPos ()
 load and process initial viewing position. Can be called later to restore original "default" view.
void toggleMountMode ()
 Toggle current mount mode between equatorial and altazimuthal.
void setEquatorialMount (bool b)
 Define whether we should use equatorial mount or altazimuthal.
void setFlagTracking (bool b=true)
 Set object tracking on/off and go to selected object.
bool getFlagTracking (void) const
 Get current object tracking status.
void setFlagLockEquPos (bool b)
 Set whether sky position is to be locked.
bool getFlagLockEquPos (void) const
 Get whether sky position is locked.
void panView (const double deltaAz, const double deltaAlt)
 Move view in alt/az (or equatorial if in that mode) coordinates. More...
void setAutoMoveDuration (float f)
 Set automove duration in seconds. More...
float getAutoMoveDuration (void) const
 Get automove duration in seconds. More...
void setFlagAutoZoomOutResetsDirection (bool b)
 Set whether auto zoom out will reset the viewing direction to the initial value.
bool getFlagAutoZoomOutResetsDirection (void) const
 Get whether auto zoom out will reset the viewing direction to the initial value.
bool getFlagEnableZoomKeys () const
 Get whether keys can control zoom.
void setFlagEnableZoomKeys (bool b)
 Set whether keys can control zoom.
bool getFlagEnableMoveKeys () const
 Get whether keys can control movement.
void setFlagEnableMoveKeys (bool b)
 Set whether keys can control movement.
bool getFlagEnableMoveAtScreenEdge () const
 Get whether being at the edge of the screen activates movement.
void setFlagEnableMoveAtScreenEdge (bool b)
 Set whether being at the edge of the screen activates movement.
bool getFlagEnableMouseNavigation () const
 Get whether mouse can control movement.
void setFlagEnableMouseNavigation (bool b)
 Set whether mouse can control movement.
bool getFlagEnableMouseZooming () const
 Get whether mouse can control zooming.
void setFlagEnableMouseZooming (bool b)
 Set whether mouse can control zooming.
bool getFlagIndicationMountMode () const
 Get the state of flag for indication of mount mode.
void setFlagIndicationMountMode (bool b)
 Set the state of flag for indication of mount mode.
void moveToJ2000 (const Vec3d &aim, const Vec3d &aimUp, float moveDuration=1., StelMovementMgr::ZoomingMode zooming=ZoomNone)
 Move the view to a specified J2000 position. More...
void moveToAltAzi (const Vec3d &aim, const Vec3d &aimUp, float moveDuration=1.f, StelMovementMgr::ZoomingMode zooming=ZoomNone)
 Move the view to a specified AltAzimuthal position. More...
void zoomTo (double aimFov, float zoomDuration=1.f)
 Change the zoom level. More...
double getCurrentFov () const
 Get the current Field Of View in degrees.
double getInitFov () const
 Return the initial default FOV in degree.
void setInitFov (double fov)
 Set the initial Field Of View in degree.
const Vec3d getInitViewingDirection () const
 Return the initial viewing direction in altazimuthal coordinates. More...
void setInitViewDirectionToCurrent ()
 Sets the initial direction of view to the current altitude and azimuth. More...
Vec3d getViewDirectionJ2000 () const
 Return the current viewing direction in the equatorial J2000 frame. More...
void setViewDirectionJ2000 (const Vec3d &v)
 Set the current viewing direction in the equatorial J2000 frame.
void setMaxFov (double max)
 Set the maximum field of View in degrees.
double getMaxFov (void) const
 Get the maximum field of View in degrees.
double getMinFov (void) const
 Get the minimum field of View in degrees.
void autoZoomIn (float moveDuration=1.f, bool allowManualZoom=1)
 Go and zoom to the selected object. A later call to autoZoomOut will come back to the previous zoom level.
void autoZoomOut (float moveDuration=1.f, bool full=0)
 Unzoom to the previous position.
void deselection (void)
 Deselect the selected object.
double getAimFov (void) const
 If currently zooming, return the target FOV, otherwise return current FOV in degree.
void turnRight (bool s)
 With true, starts turning the direction of view to the right, with an unspecified speed, according to the current mount mode (i.e., increasing azimuth, decreasing rectascension). More...
void turnLeft (bool s)
 With true, starts turning the direction of view to the left, with an unspecified speed, and according to the current mount mode (i.e., decreasing azimuth, increasing rectascension). More...
void turnUp (bool s)
 With true, starts moving the direction of the view up, with an unspecified speed, and according to the current mount mode (i.e., towards the zenith or the celestial north pole). More...
void turnDown (bool s)
 With true, starts moving the direction of the view down, with an unspecified speed, and according to the current mount mode (i.e., towards the nadir or the celestial south pole). More...
void moveSlow (bool b)
void zoomIn (bool s)
 With true, starts zooming in, with an unspecified ratio of degrees per second, either until zooming is stopped with a zoomIn call with false (or a zoomOut call). More...
void zoomOut (bool s)
 With true, starts zooming out, with an unspecified ratio of degrees per second, either until zooming is stopped with a zoomIn call with false (or a zoomOut call). More...
void smoothPan (double deltaX, double deltaY, double ptime, bool s)
 Smooth panning a predetermined amount. More...
void lookEast (bool zero=false)
 Look immediately towards East. More...
void lookWest (bool zero=false)
 Look immediately towards West. More...
void lookNorth (bool zero=false)
 Look immediately towards North. More...
void lookSouth (bool zero=false)
 Look immediately towards South. More...
void lookZenith (void)
 Look immediately towards Zenith, turning southern horizon to screen bottom.
void lookNadir (void)
 Look immediately towards Nadir, turning southern horizon to screen top.
void lookTowardsNCP (void)
 Look immediately towards North Celestial pole.
void lookTowardsSCP (void)
 Look immediately towards South Celestial pole.
void moveViewport (double offsetX, double offsetY, const float duration=0.f)
 set or start animated move of the viewport offset. More...
void setMountMode (StelMovementMgr::MountMode m)
 Set current mount type defining the reference frame in which head movements occur.
StelMovementMgr::MountMode getMountMode (void) const
 Get current mount type defining the reference frame in which head movements occur.
bool getEquatorialMount (void) const
void setInhibitAllAutomoves (bool inhibit)
 Function designed only for scripting context. More...
Vec2d getViewportOffsetTarget () const
 Returns the targeted value of the viewport offset.
double getViewportHorizontalOffsetTarget () const
double getViewportVerticalOffsetTarget () const
void setViewportHorizontalOffsetTarget (double f)
void setViewportVerticalOffsetTarget (double f)
void setUserMaxFov (double max)
 Set a hard limit for any fov change. More...
double getUserMaxFov () const
void setFov (double f)


void flagTrackingChanged (bool b)
 Emitted when the tracking property changes.
void equatorialMountChanged (bool b)
void flagIndicationMountModeChanged (bool b)
void flagAutoZoomOutResetsDirectionChanged (bool b)
void viewportHorizontalOffsetTargetChanged (double f)
void viewportVerticalOffsetTargetChanged (double f)
void flagEnableMouseNavigationChanged (bool b)
void flagEnableMouseZoomingChanged (bool b)
void flagEnableMoveKeysChanged (bool b)
void flagEnableZoomKeysChanged (bool b)
void userMaxFovChanged (double fov)
void currentFovChanged (double fov)
void currentDirectionChanged ()

Public Member Functions

 StelMovementMgr (StelCore *core)
void init () override
 Initializes the object based on the application settings Includes: More...
void update (double) override
 Update time-dependent things (triggers a time dragging record if required)
void draw (StelCore *) override
 Implement required draw function. Does nothing.
void handleKeys (QKeyEvent *event) override
 Handle keyboard events.
bool handleMouseMoves (int x, int y, Qt::MouseButtons b) override
 Handle mouse movement events.
void handleMouseWheel (class QWheelEvent *event) override
 Handle mouse wheel events.
void handleMouseClicks (class QMouseEvent *event) override
 Handle mouse click events.
double getCallOrder (StelModuleActionName actionName) const override
 Return the value defining the order of call for the given action For example if stars.callOrder[ActionDraw] == 10 and constellation.callOrder[ActionDraw] == 11, the stars module will be drawn before the constellations. More...
bool handlePinch (qreal scale, bool started) override
 Handle pinch gesture.
void updateMotion (double deltaTime)
 Increment/decrement smoothly the vision field and position. Called in StelCore.update().
double getZoomSpeed () const
 Get the zoom speed.
Vec3d getViewUpVectorJ2000 () const
 Return the current up view vector in J2000 coordinates.
void setViewUpVectorJ2000 (const Vec3d &up)
void setViewUpVector (const Vec3d &up)
void setMovementSpeedFactor (float s)
float getMovementSpeedFactor () const
void setDragTriggerDistance (float d)
Vec3d j2000ToMountFrame (const Vec3d &v) const
Vec3d mountFrameToJ2000 (const Vec3d &v) const
void moveToObject (const StelObjectP &target, float moveDuration=1., ZoomingMode zooming=ZoomNone)
- Public Member Functions inherited from StelModule
 StelModule ()
 Constructor. Every derived class MUST call setObjectName(className) in its constructor.
virtual void deinit ()
 Called before the module will be deleted, and before the OpenGL context is suppressed. More...
virtual QSettings * getSettings ()
 Return module-specific settings. More...
virtual QString getModuleVersion () const
 Get the version of the module, default is stellarium main version.
virtual QString getAuthorName () const
 Get the name of the module author.
virtual QString getAuthorEmail () const
 Get the email address of the module author.
virtual bool configureGui (bool show=true)
 Detect or show the configuration GUI elements for the module. More...


bool equatorialMount
bool tracking
bool flagIndicationMountMode
double viewportHorizontalOffsetTarget
double viewportVerticalOffsetTarget
bool flagAutoZoomOutResetsDirection
bool flagEnableMouseNavigation
bool flagEnableMouseZooming
bool flagEnableMoveKeys
bool flagEnableZoomKeys
double userMaxFov
double currentFov

Additional Inherited Members

- Protected Member Functions inherited from StelModule
class StelActionaddAction (const QString &id, const QString &groupId, const QString &text, QObject *target, const char *slot, const QString &shortcut="", const QString &altShortcut="")
 convenience methods to add an action (call to slot) to the StelActionMgr object. More...
class StelActionaddAction (const QString &id, const QString &groupId, const QString &text, const char *slot, const QString &shortcut="", const QString &altShortcut="")
 convenience methods to add an action (call to own slot) to the StelActionMgr object. More...
StelActionaddAction (const QString &id, const QString &groupId, const QString &text, QObject *contextObject, std::function< void()> lambda, const QString &shortcut="", const QString &altShortcut="")
 convenience methods to add an action (call to Lambda functor) to the StelActionMgr object. More...

Detailed Description

A pseudo-orbit for "observers" linked to a planet's sphere.

Manages the head movements and zoom operations.

It allows setting distance and longitude/latitude in the VSOP87 frame. This class is currently in an experimental state. rotateToVsop87 may need to be set up correctly. The view frame for an observer is correctly oriented when the observer is located on the pseudo-planet's North pole. Positional changes are currently performed with keyboard interaction (see

Member Enumeration Documentation

◆ MountMode

Possible mount modes defining the reference frame in which head movements occur.

MountGalactic and MountSupergalactic is currently only available via scripting API: core.clear("galactic") and core.clear("supergalactic")

Member Function Documentation

◆ getAutoMoveDuration

float StelMovementMgr::getAutoMoveDuration ( void  ) const

Get automove duration in seconds.

the number of seconds it takes for an auto-move operation to complete.

◆ getCallOrder()

double StelMovementMgr::getCallOrder ( StelModuleActionName  actionName) const

Return the value defining the order of call for the given action For example if stars.callOrder[ActionDraw] == 10 and constellation.callOrder[ActionDraw] == 11, the stars module will be drawn before the constellations.

actionNamethe name of the action for which we want the call order
the value defining the order. The closer to 0 the earlier the module's action will be called

Reimplemented from StelModule.

◆ getInitViewingDirection

const Vec3d StelMovementMgr::getInitViewingDirection ( ) const

Return the initial viewing direction in altazimuthal coordinates.

See StelMovementMgr::moveToAltAzi for an explanation of the return value.

◆ getViewDirectionJ2000

Vec3d StelMovementMgr::getViewDirectionJ2000 ( ) const

Return the current viewing direction in the equatorial J2000 frame.

See StelMovementMgr::moveToJ2000 for an explanation of the return value.

◆ init()

void StelMovementMgr::init ( )

Initializes the object based on the application settings Includes:

  • Enabling/disabling the movement keys
  • Enabling/disabling the zoom keys
  • Enabling/disabling the mouse zoom
  • Enabling/disabling the mouse movement
  • Sets the zoom and movement speeds
  • Sets the auto-zoom duration and mode.

Implements StelModule.

◆ lookEast

void StelMovementMgr::lookEast ( bool  zero = false)

Look immediately towards East.

zerotrue to center on horizon, false to keep altitude, or when looking to the zenith already, turn eastern horizon to screen bottom.

◆ lookNorth

void StelMovementMgr::lookNorth ( bool  zero = false)

Look immediately towards North.

zerotrue to center on horizon, false to keep altitude, or when looking to the zenith already, turn northern horizon to screen bottom.

◆ lookSouth

void StelMovementMgr::lookSouth ( bool  zero = false)

Look immediately towards South.

zerotrue to center on horizon, false to keep altitude, or when looking to the zenith already, turn southern horizon to screen bottom.

◆ lookWest

void StelMovementMgr::lookWest ( bool  zero = false)

Look immediately towards West.

zerotrue to center on horizon, false to keep altitude, or when looking to the zenith already, turn western horizon to screen bottom.

◆ moveToAltAzi

void StelMovementMgr::moveToAltAzi ( const Vec3d aim,
const Vec3d aimUp,
float  moveDuration = 1.f,
StelMovementMgr::ZoomingMode  zooming = ZoomNone 

Move the view to a specified AltAzimuthal position.

aimThe position to move to expressed as a vector in AltAz frame.
aimUpUp vector in AltAz coordinates. Can be usually (0/0/1) but may have to be exact for looking into the zenith/pole
moveDurationThe time it takes for the move to complete.
zoomingyou want to zoom in, out or not (just center).
// You can use the following code most of the times to find a valid aimUp vector:
StelMovementMgr* mvmgr = GETSTELMODULE(StelMovementMgr);
mvmgr->moveToAltAzi(pos, Vec3d(0., 0., 1.), mvmgr->getAutoMoveDuration());
core::moveToAltAzi provides a simpler signature for the same function.
Objects of class Vec3d are 3-dimensional vectors in a right-handed (!) rectangular coordinate system. For positions in the horizontal coordinate system, the axes point south, east and to the zenith, irrespective of the setting of the "Azimuth from south" option in the "Tools" tab of the "Configuration" window. You may use a constructor defining three components (x,y,z) or the format with just two angles, e.g., Vec3d("0d","0d") points south, Vec3d("90d","0d") points east, with azimuth angles running counter-clockwise, i.e., against the usual orientation.
Panic function made March 2016. It turned out that using moveToJ2000 for alt-az-based moves behaves odd for long moves during fast timelapse: end vector is linked to the sky! As of March 2016: This call does nothing when mount frame is not AltAzi!

◆ moveToJ2000

void StelMovementMgr::moveToJ2000 ( const Vec3d aim,
const Vec3d aimUp,
float  moveDuration = 1.,
StelMovementMgr::ZoomingMode  zooming = ZoomNone 

Move the view to a specified J2000 position.

aimThe position to move to expressed as a vector.
aimUpUp vector. Can be usually (0/0/1) but may have to be exact for looking into the zenith/pole
moveDurationThe time it takes for the move to complete.
zoomingyou want to zoom in, out or not (just center).
// You can use the following code most of the times to find a valid aimUp vector:
StelMovementMgr* mvmgr = GETSTELMODULE(StelMovementMgr);
mvmgr->moveToJ2000(pos, mvmgr->mountFrameToJ2000(Vec3d(0., 0., 1.)), mvmgr->getAutoMoveDuration());
The scripting function StelMainScriptAPI::moveToRaDecJ2000() (scripting object core.moveToRaDecJ2000()) provides a simpler signature for the same function.
Objects of class Vec3d are 3-dimensional vectors in a rectangular coordinate system. For J2000 positions, the x-axis points to 0h,0°, the y-axis to 6h,0° and the z-axis points to the celestial pole. You may use a constructor defining three components (x,y,z) or the format with just two angles, e.g., Vec3d("0h","0d").

◆ moveViewport

void StelMovementMgr::moveViewport ( double  offsetX,
double  offsetY,
const float  duration = 0.f 

set or start animated move of the viewport offset.

This can be used e.g. in wide cylindrical panorama screens to push the horizon down and see more of the sky. Also helpful in stereographic projection to push the horizon down and see more of the sky.

offsetXnew horizontal viewport offset, percent. clamped to [-50...50]. Probably not very useful.
offsetYnew horizontal viewport offset, percent. clamped to [-50...50]. This is also available in the GUI.
durationanimation duration, seconds. Optional.
Only vertical viewport is really meaningful.

◆ panView

void StelMovementMgr::panView ( const double  deltaAz,
const double  deltaAlt 

Move view in alt/az (or equatorial if in that mode) coordinates.

Changes to viewing direction are instantaneous.

deltaAzchange in azimuth angle in radians
deltaAltchange in altitude angle in radians

◆ setAutoMoveDuration

void StelMovementMgr::setAutoMoveDuration ( float  f)

Set automove duration in seconds.

fthe number of seconds it takes for an auto-move operation to complete.

◆ setInhibitAllAutomoves

void StelMovementMgr::setInhibitAllAutomoves ( bool  inhibit)

Function designed only for scripting context.

Put the function into the startup.ssc of your planetarium setup, this will avoid any unwanted tracking.

◆ setInitViewDirectionToCurrent

void StelMovementMgr::setInitViewDirectionToCurrent ( )

Sets the initial direction of view to the current altitude and azimuth.

Note: Updates the configuration file.

◆ setUserMaxFov

void StelMovementMgr::setUserMaxFov ( double  max)

Set a hard limit for any fov change.

Useful in the context of a planetarium with dome where a presenter never ever wants to set more than 180° even if the projection would allow it.

◆ smoothPan

void StelMovementMgr::smoothPan ( double  deltaX,
double  deltaY,
double  ptime,
bool  s 

Smooth panning a predetermined amount.

a speed (degrees per seconds) is defined for both scales as deltaX/ptime and deltaY/ptime.
deltaX- delta for scale X, in degrees
deltaY- delta for scale Y, in degrees
ptime- time for doing one step of delta, in seconds
s- flag to enable panning

◆ turnDown

void StelMovementMgr::turnDown ( bool  s)

With true, starts moving the direction of the view down, with an unspecified speed, and according to the current mount mode (i.e., towards the nadir or the celestial south pole).

Movement halts when the goal is reached, but the command remains active until turnDown is called with false, or turnUp with any value. While this command is active, other movement commands or mouse or keyboard operations will be countermanded by the still pending turnDown command.

s- true move, false stop
Use StelMovementMgr.panView for precise control of view movements.

◆ turnLeft

void StelMovementMgr::turnLeft ( bool  s)

With true, starts turning the direction of view to the left, with an unspecified speed, and according to the current mount mode (i.e., decreasing azimuth, increasing rectascension).

Turning stops only due to a call to turnLeft with false (or to turnRight with any value); it does not stop when the script is terminated.

s- true move, false stop
// You can use the following code to turn the direction of the view
// "a little" to the left, by an unpredictable amount.
Use StelMovementMgr.panView for precise control of view movements.

◆ turnRight

void StelMovementMgr::turnRight ( bool  s)

With true, starts turning the direction of view to the right, with an unspecified speed, according to the current mount mode (i.e., increasing azimuth, decreasing rectascension).

Turning stops only due to a call to turnRight with false (or to turnLeft with any value) ; it does not stop when the script is terminated.

s- true move, false stop
// You can use the following code to turn the direction of the view
// "a little" to the right, by an un predictable amount.
Use StelMovementMgr.panView for precise control of view movements.

◆ turnUp

void StelMovementMgr::turnUp ( bool  s)

With true, starts moving the direction of the view up, with an unspecified speed, and according to the current mount mode (i.e., towards the zenith or the celestial north pole).

Movement halts when the goal is reached, but the command remains active until turnUp is called with false, or turnDown with any value. While this command is active, other movement commands or mouse or keyboard operations will be countermanded by the still pending turnUp command.

s- true move, false stop
Use StelMovementMgr.panView for precise control of view movements.

◆ zoomIn

void StelMovementMgr::zoomIn ( bool  s)

With true, starts zooming in, with an unspecified ratio of degrees per second, either until zooming is stopped with a zoomIn call with false (or a zoomOut call).

Zooming pauses when the field of view limit (5 arc seconds) is reached, but the command remains active until zoomIn is called with false, or zoomOut with any value. While this command is active, other movement commands or mouse or keyboard operations will be countermanded by the still pending zoomIn command.

s- true zoom, false stop

◆ zoomOut

void StelMovementMgr::zoomOut ( bool  s)

With true, starts zooming out, with an unspecified ratio of degrees per second, either until zooming is stopped with a zoomIn call with false (or a zoomOut call).

Zooming pauses when the field of view limit (235 degrees) is reached, but the command remains active until zoomOut is called with false, or zoomIn with any value. While this command is active, other movement commands or mouse or keyboard operations will be countermanded by the still pending zoomOut command.

s- true zoom, false stop

◆ zoomTo

void StelMovementMgr::zoomTo ( double  aimFov,
float  zoomDuration = 1.f 

Change the zoom level.

aimFovThe desired field of view in degrees.
zoomDurationThe time that the operation should take to complete. [seconds]